Supporting Families who Have Been Affected by Meningitis & Septicemia
Providing You with Support when you Need it Most...
Meningitis kills more children under 5 than any other illness within the UK. It can kill or maime within hours!
All of us involved with Meningitis Help Charitable Trust have encountered Meningitis on a personal level in one way or another. We realised there was no one to speak to that had experienced and dealt with this devastating disease in a hands on situation.
Here were organisations that could tell how to detect the signs and how to do the ‘tumbler test’ but what if your child had been misdiagnosed and was in hospital having just lost limbs?
We welcome your comments to help us further in the fight against meningitis.
"Hi Tony, A great big THANK YOU from us at the Olivia Story Trust. You have given us fantastic help and advice and have always pointed us in the right direction. It is great that there are people such as yourselves committed to helping families who have been affected by meningitis and it is a comfort to know that you guys are on the end of the phone when we need you! Cheers! Mike"
Mike Story
“Dear Meningitis Help and in particular our case advisor Tony Neve. We would just like to say a huge thank you for all of your support since our daughter Tilly contracted Meningitis Septicaemia when she was only 15 months old in 2007. When we were at our lowest, not really knowing what had hit the family and what to do next you found us, we didn’t have to find you! You are there at the end of a telephone whenever we have a question or just need someone to talk to. Tony, we call you Tilly’s Guardian Angel and that you most definitely are. We have continued to fundraise and been able to add money to her trust fund account so that we are able to buy Tilly the hands that she requires costing £23,464.00 a pair. We now can also give her every opportunity in life that we thought would be lost without having hands and build Tilly’s confidence! We know that Meningitis Help support a lot of children and their families who have been affected by meningitis up and down the country and raise vital funds needed to donate life saving equipment into hospitals. You are so busy, as you are only a small group of volunteers that have been affected by meningitis in one way or another, yet you have been the most supportive out of the meningitis charities with what happens after meningitis. Tilly is a confident happy little girl now who is onto her second pair of hands and with your support we will continue to fundraise and be able to support Tilly properly for the rest of her life. Many Thanks and love to you all!"
Adam, Sarah, Tia, Tilly and Lucy-Anna Lockey.
"Dear John Thank you so much for the money you have sent to start a Trust Fund for Ellie May, you could have knocked us over with a feather when Tony gave us the cheque. Ellie is so special to so many people and she is getting on really well. We have had to adjust and re-evaluate our lives and that has been heart breaking and difficult, but the whole family have rose to the challenge. Knowing that people like Peter, Tony and your Trust in general are helping us takes away certain areas of stress. They are both straight talking people who make a great deal of sense and we feel comfortable talking with them. I have enclosed some photos of Ellie so your team can see what a beautiful girl you have helped. Thank You
Paul Challis (Ellie's Dad)
“A big thank you to everyone at Meningtis Help Charitable Trust for all your advice and assistance to help out little girl get the right equipment needed to give her a better way of life. The suction feeding bowls are a great idea! We don't know what we would have done without you guys always being at the other end of the phone. x"
A Willis